

At Peterson Stoop, our commitment to sustainability extends beyond environmental considerations; it also encompasses the well-being and empowerment of our employees, interns and other people throughout our supply chain. We recognize that our team, suppliers, and customers play integral roles in achieving our sustainability goals.

Fair Labor Practices

We prioritize fair labor practices across our supply chain, this includes adherence to fair wage standards, reasonable working hours, and safe working conditions. Every worker involved in the production process should be treated with kindness and respect.  At the moment we only work with suppliers and factories from Europe. 

Accountability: When we can we visit the suppliers and factories we work with, to see first hand what the working conditions are. When possible we choose factories and suppliers who work with 3rd party auditors to confirm the fair labor practices.

Inclusivity and diversity

It is our goal that people from marginalized groups feel welcome to apply for a job or internship with us. We welcome all applications from people with different personal characteristics or grounds, such as sex, gender, age, ethnicity, religion or belief, health status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and education.

For most people it is a basic need to have a feeling of fulfillment at the end of the day. For people who are handicapped or have a mental or physical difficulty it can be challenging to achieve this. Peterson Stoop has teamed up with Foundation BuitenGewoon where people deconstruct used footwear, which Peterson Stoop re-uses in their patchwork products. When 

deconstructing the shoes there is no pressure to keep to a deadline and if mistakes are made it enriches the story of the deconstructed material. The shoes are deconstructed with a surgical blade, meaning you have to be very concentrated to complete this task. Clients of BuitenGewoon have given us feedback that they really enjoy this activity. By fostering a positive and inclusive workplace culture, we aim to create a motivated and engaged team.

Accountability: Peterson Stoop wants to make all people feel welcome our their website, however we realize that our website is not yet accessible for all people. In the future we will be working on means to improve this.

Educating the next generation

Our commitment to people extends to the communities where we operate. We regularly have interns from The HMC in Amsterdam, following a 3 month internship with us. We aim to make a positive impact by supporting the new generation of footwear makers and designers. By letting them take part in all steps of the production process of 

our footwear, they gain knowledge and appreciation for re-design and up-cycling of materials. Educating them that there is not only one way to make footwear, and that end of life should be considered at the start of the cycle. Our goal is to equip them with knowledge to use in their own practices in the future.

Accountability: Currently interns of Peterson Stoop work on a volunteer basis. We offer reasonable working hours, enough breaks and often check-ins to ensure if they are meeting their personal learning goals.


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